Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I know that it has been a long time since a blog post, but Spring Break and a seek-long Internet outage in our school system prevented a lot of work from being accomplished.

The rush and pressure to finish something before the due date has helped to get things moving with this project. I have been working with the webmaster of our system to create a prototype website, which has now morphed into not a website about my school, but a database of technology-heavy lessons for teachers to contribute to all over our county. I will submit the link at the end so you can check out what it looks like so far.

The website link was distributed in an email to the teachers at my school for critiquing. They generally liked the format, but also gave me some feedback on improvements that could be made.

I am continuing this week to improve and streamline the site, and the teachers at my school were excited about having this resource!

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